Pet Pictures with Santa 2016
Have you heard about our pet pictures with Santa event this Saturday Nov. 5th? We’re putting on a Holiday fundraiser to benefit both Campus Cats and Pup & Cat Co.! Photo’s will be taken by a professional photographer in exchange for a donation of pet supplies (food, kitty litter, toys, treats, carriers, etc.) or a monetary donation of your choosing (whatever amount you can afford to give).
As the name would suggest, Campus Catsfocus on the displaced, abandoned and stray cat population around the University of Georgia’s campus. Their trap, neuter/spay, and release program helps ensure that stray cat populations in the area don’t increase. When you think about it, the average litter size is about 3-6 kittens per mama cat. The gestation period for those kittens is only 60-65 days. Which means that in 9 months (which also happens to be the approximate time it takes for a cat to reach sexual maturation)1 unspayed stray cat is capable of having anywhere from 9-18 kittens. Additionally, these cats also receive rabies vaccinations and other life saving veterinary care. Programs like these not only improve the health and lives of these animals but help improve the environment and surrounding community as well.
Like Campus Cats, Pup & Cat Co.offers kitten adoption and additionally offers adoption of rescued dogs and adult cats. Pup & Cat Co. receives animals off the streets of nearby neighborhoods, from over crowded shelters, relinquished animals people can no longer care for, and dogs and cats that owners can no longer afford due to medical expenses. Both of these rescue groups seek to educate the community about pet health and the importance of spaying and neutering pets. These groups operate through the tireless efforts of dedicated volunteers and the generosity of community businesses and donors. For more information about Pup & Cat Co. please visit their website at
For more information about Campus Cats or to report a cat or kitten seen on UGA property, please e-mail Kelly Bettinger, Campus Cats Program Coordinator at: